BGP Route Maps and Continue Feature Limitations
One of my ExpertExpress engagements focused on BGP route maps and setting BGP attributes based on BGP communities, so I wanted to brush up my RouteMapFoo before the online session.
Here are a few (not-so-unexpected) results gathered from IOSv release 15.5(3)M.
TL&DR: The continue feature works only in route maps applied to BGP neighbors.
Test setup
I built a four node network in VIRL representing an ISP network with an upstream provider, access network running OSPF with the core network, and a BGP client:
The VIRL file describing the topology (including working router configurations) is in my VIRL GitHub repository.
The access router is redistributing static routes pointing toward customers into OSPF and copying static route tags into OSPF tags:
router ospf 64501
redistribute static subnets
passive-interface Loopback0
ip route Null0 tag 2000
ip route Null0 tag 2001
Nice surprise: automatic copy of route tags from static routes to OSPF external routes works:
Access#show ip ospf database external
OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 64501)
Type-5 AS External Link States
LS age: 742
Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
LS Type: AS External Link
Link State ID: (External Network Number )
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 80000001
Checksum: 0x21CD
Length: 36
Network Mask: /24
Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
Metric: 20
Forward Address:
External Route Tag: 2000
LS age: 660
Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
LS Type: AS External Link
Link State ID: (External Network Number )
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 80000001
Checksum: 0xCE0
Length: 36
Network Mask: /32
Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
Metric: 20
Forward Address:
External Route Tag: 2001
Redistribution route maps
Next test: redistribute OSPF routes into BGP with a route map to set BGP attributes in the redistribution point.
In the redistribution route-map I wanted to:
- Set origin to IGP and add BGP community 64501:1 for internal OSPF routes;
- Set origin to EGP 64501 and add BGP community 64501:2 for external OSPF routes;
- Add BGP community 64501:2000 for external OSPF routes with tag 2000.
Before you ask: I had no really good reason to do that, but my customer was using something along the same lines, so I wanted to test all potential combinations.
This would be the ideal route-map to do that:
route-map OSPF2BGP permit 10
match route-type external
set origin egp 64501
set community 64501:2 additive
route-map OSPF2BGP permit 11
match route-type internal
set origin igp
set community 64501:2001 additive
route-map OSPF2BGP permit 20
match tag 2000
set community 64501:2000 additive
Caveat#1: EGP keyword is hidden in recent IOS releases (I’d consider that a good thing). It still works, but it won’t show in context-sensitive help.
I also stumbled upon two limitations of route maps used to control redistribution of routing information between routing protocols:
Caveat#2: You cannot use set community additive in a redistribution route-map
Caveat#3: You cannot use continue clause in a redistribution route-map.
The lack of support for continue clause was somewhat expected after reading the relevant IOS documentation, and without the continue clause it makes no sense using set community additive in a redistribution point (where source routes have no BGP communities).
In both cases Cisco IOS warns you when configuring redistribution with redistribute route-map command:
Core(config)#router bgp 64501
Core(config-router)#addr ipv4
Core(config-router-af)#redistribute ospf 64501 route-map OSPF2BGP
% "OSPF2BGP" used as redistribute ospf into bgp route-map, continue match not supported
% not supported match will behave as route-map with no match
I had to rewrite the route map with entries matching each combination of the OSPF attributes (obviously starting with the most-specific scenarios first) and setting all desired BGP communities in one route-map entry:
route-map OSPF2BGP permit 10
match tag 2000
match route-type external
set origin egp 64501
set community 64501:2 64501:2000
route-map OSPF2BGP permit 20
match route-type external
set origin egp 64501
set community 64501:2
route-map OSPF2BGP permit 30
match route-type internal
set origin igp
set community 64501:1
It’s ugly but at least it works:
Core#show ip bgp
BGP routing table entry for, version 19
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table default)
Advertised to update-groups:
Refresh Epoch 1
Local from (
Origin EGP, metric 20, localpref 100, weight 32768, valid, sourced, best
Community: 64501:2 64501:2000
rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0
Core#show ip bgp
BGP routing table entry for, version 20
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table default)
Advertised to update-groups:
Refresh Epoch 1
Local from (
Origin EGP, metric 20, localpref 100, weight 32768, valid, sourced, best
Community: 64501:2
rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0
In the worst case, the limitations on redistribute route-maps result in a Cartesian product of all possible match conditions. Definitely not something I’d want to configure manually. Is anyone aware of a tool that would generate route-maps with all possible combinations of match criteria automatically?
Network origination route-maps
I tried to use a slightly different approach on the client router: insert static routes into BGP using network statement with a route-map option.
router bgp 65001
bgp router-id
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor remote-as 64501
neighbor description eBGP to Core
address-family ipv4
network route-map Static2BGP
network mask route-map Static2BGP
Caveat#1: The continue feature doesn’t work when using a route map in a network statement.
Caveat#2: Cisco IOS doesn’t even complain.
However, there were also some good news:
- Matching static route tags works;
- You can use set community additive command (although it doesn’t do you much good if you can’t use continue command).
Inbound BGP Neighbor Route Maps
Finally, I wanted to test whether the continue feature works in inbound route maps applied to individual BGP neighbors. Here’s what I wanted to achieve:
- Set MED of all incoming routes to 75;
- Set local preference of routes with community 64501:2000 to 2000
- Prepend remote AS to routes with community 64501:3
Here’s the route map I used:
ip community-list standard ClientPrepend permit 64501:3
ip community-list standard ClientLocPref permit 64501:2000
route-map FromClient permit 10
set metric 75
route-map FromClient permit 20
match community ClientPrepend
set as-path prepend last-as 3
route-map FromClient permit 30
match community ClientLocPref
set local-preference 10
It worked without a glitch ;)
Here’s the summary of how some route map features work in Cisco IOSv release 15.5(3)M (I didn’t test route maps applied to outbound BGP route updates – that worked from day one):
Matching tags | Adding communities | Route-map continue | |
Route redistribution | Yes | No | No |
BGP origination with network statement | Yes | Yes | No |
Processing inbound BGP updates | N/A | Yes | Yes |
Processing outbound BGP updates | N/A | Yes | Yes |
Also, a slight glitch: set local-preference 2000 instead.